3rd Battalion (NCOA), 166th Regiment (RTI) is dedicated to providing exceptional professional military education that develops enlisted leaders who embody the qualities of fitness, discipline, and professionalism. Our mission is to equip these leaders with the skills and knowledge they need to return to their formations ready to lead from the front and tackle the complex challenges of their Operating Environments. We incorporate elements of Large Scale Combat Operations (LSCO) and Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) within our resident and blended Basic Leader Course (BLC) and Battle Staff NCO Course (BSNCOC) throughout the fiscal year 2024.
Our purpose is to deliver realistic and challenging training through the facilitation of BLC and BSNCOC to members of all three Army components. We are committed to maintaining individual readiness standards and ensuring that members of the Battalion are provided with opportunities to enrich their careers through formal Army training or partnerships with operational units within Pennsylvania. Our aim is to become the premier consideration for members within the Pennsylvania National Guard (PNG) for broadening assignments.
At 3rd Battalion (NCOA), 166th Regiment (RTI), we envision cultivating a cadre of resilient and adaptive facilitators by fostering a strong organizational culture and consistently upholding standards of excellence. Through rigorous training, mentorship, and an unwavering commitment to high standards, we will empower junior leaders with the skills, values, and ethical foundation necessary to succeed in complex operating environments.
Our goal is to shape future Noncommissioned Officers who inspire trust, foster teamwork, and demonstrate expertise in the NCO core competencies.
Basic Leader Course (BLC)
The Basic Leader Course focuses on six NCO Common Core Competencies: readiness, leadership, training management, communications, operations, and program management. BLC is designed to build the basic leader and trainer skills needed to lead a team-size element while providing the foundation for further development along the Professional Military Education (PME) learning continuum. Soldier lethality spans all fundamentals: shooting, moving, communicating, protecting, sustaining, and training. The Basic Leader Course fully supports the Army’s mission of lethality by developing smart, thoughtful, and innovative trainers who can communicate effectively, lead and protect their Soldiers, and sustain their equipment.
All students attending Basic Leader Course (BLC) at 3rd Battalion, 166th Regiment – Regional Training Institute should reference the below documents for pertinent information relating to the course:
- BLC Welcome Letter
- Government Meal Rate (GMR) Memo, 2024
- Additional Information for BLC
- BLC Packing List
- BLC Pre-Registration Instructions
- Conduct Physical Training, Packages 1&2
- Dietary Restrictions Worksheet
- BLC First Day Breakdown
- How to Print DD1610
- NCO Creed
- BLC In-processing Admin Form
- Site Map
- Unit Pre-execution Checklist
Battle Staff NCO Course (BSNCOC)
The Battle Staff NCO Course is a branch-immaterial functional course for staff sergeants (E-6) through master sergeants (E-8) selected for staff assignments. The course provides technical and tactical training that is relevant to missions, duties, and responsibilities assigned to staff members in battalion and higher units. Graduates of the Battle Staff NCO Course are identified by the award of additional skill identifier (ASI) 2S (Battle Staff NCO). Attendance is mandatory for those Soldiers assigned to positions coded ASI 2S. Active and reserve component commanders of Soldiers not assigned to ASI 2S positions may request course attendance on a space-available basis.
All students attending the Battle Staff NCO Course at 3rd Battalion, 166th Regiment – Regional Training Institute should reference the below documents for pertinent information relating to the course:
- BSNOC Welcome Letter
- Directions from Bldg. 9-30
- Directions to Bldg. 9-30
- 2024 Government meal rates
- Ft. Indiantown Gap Map
- XX Corps Crossing the Moselle
- Parking Map
- Unit Pre-Execution Checklist
- Recommended Packing List
- In-Processing Documents List
- Student Pre-Registration Instructions
- Patriot Data Internet Service