Category: 3rd Battalion

  • Forging Elite Staff NCOs: 3rd Battalion’s Battle Staff NCO Course

    Forging Elite Staff NCOs: 3rd Battalion’s Battle Staff NCO Course

    Congratulations to our latest cohort of Battle Staff NCO Course graduates! After an intense 3-week journey encompassing 175 hours of rigorous instruction, these outstanding NCOs have emerged ready to excel in battalion and higher-level staff positions. Special recognition goes to: Course Highlights The Battle Staff NCO Course (BSNCOC) is a…

  • Graduation of Basic Leader Course Class 008-24

    Graduation of Basic Leader Course Class 008-24

    On May 22, 2024, these exceptional soldiers completed the Basic Leader Couse, a rigorous training program designed to develop their leadership skills and prepare them for the challenges of leading soldiers in the 21st century. Under the guidance of Commandant CSM Chad A. Rhoads, Deputy Commandant 1SG Charles V. Stover,…