Our Courses

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment (HDD)

The 166th Regiment – Regional Training Institute (RTI) continuously develops
leaders within the Total Army School System (TASS) to enable a ready and
multi-domain operational (MDO) and capable force.

HHD conducts the following courses:

  1. Common Faculty Development Program – Instructor Course
  2. Warrant Officer Candidate School

1st Battalion: Maneuver Battalion (MNVR)

1st Battalion will develop the current and future 11 and 19 Career Management Fields (CMF) Leaders in those skills and traits necessary to lead, train, and mentor Soldiers for the modern and future asymmetric operating environments.

1st Battalion executes the following:

  1. Officer Candidate School (OCS)
  2. Infantry Advanced Leaders Course (11B)
  3. Calvary Scout Advanced Leaders Course (19D)
  4. Maneuver Senior Leader Course (11B,11C,19D,19K)
  5. Raven Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (SUAS)

New or Former Students can find info on the CAC enabled 1st Battalion (MNVR) Army Career Tracker Community.

Feel free to join our A365 Teams (CAC) for additional resources from our courses:
11B ALC ] [ 19D ALC] [MSLC – EMAIL BOX ]

2nd Battalion: Modular Training Battalion (MTB)

  1. 13B30 Advanced Leaders Course
  2. 13B40 Senior Leader Course
  3. 13F10 MOST Course
  4. ABIC Army Basic Instructor Course
  5. SGITC Small Group Instructor Training Course
  6. TQC TAC Qualification Course
  7. OCS Officer Candidate School
  8. 13D/J10 MOST
  9. Foundation Instructor-Facilitator Course (FIFC)
  10. Platoon Trainer Qualification Course (PTQC)
  11. Tactical Certification Course (TCC)
  12. Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS)

3rd Battalion: Non-Commissioned Officer Academy (NCOA)

3rd Battalion will develop the current and future Leaders in those skills and traits necessary to lead, train, and mentor Soldiers for the modern and future asymmetric operating environments. 3rd Battalion will complete this by providing quality relevant Noncommissioned Officer Education System (NCOES) and Functional Course training for Soldiers from the Army National Guard, the United States Army Reserve and the Active Component to fulfill the Army Program for Individual Training (ARPRINT) mission.

  1. Battle Staff NCO Course
  2. Basic Leader Course (BLC)

4th Battalion: Medical Battalion Training Site (MBTS)

4th battalion’s mission is to train medical tasks to medical and non-medical personnel. The primary mission of the MBTS is to conduct the 68W Healthcare Specialist Military Occupational Specialty Transition (MOS-T) course. MBTS offers additional courses as required such as 68W Comprehensive Medical Training / Sustainment, Combat Lifesaver (CLS), and Basic Life Support (BLS). MBTS also offers customizable training and training support to requesting units and organizations when resources are available.

  1. Healthcare Specialist (68W MOS-T Phases 1, 2, and 3)
  2. Healthcare Specialist Advanced Leader Course (68W ALC)
  3. Comprehensive Medical Training (081-300-68W-CMT)
  4. Combat Lifesaver